How to Propagate Plants

Looking to expand your houseplant collection without breaking the bank? Water propagation is a simple way to grow more pants and our Ovate propagation stations are the perfect tool to make it happen in style!

Ready to get started?

  1. First, pick your favorite plant that you would like to propagate.  Then, snip at least 1/4 below the node using sharp scissors or a knife.  Be careful not to cut yourself!
  1. Next, fill the vial on your propagation station with fresh water.  While most plants will grow in tap water, spring water can provide extra minerals to boost growth. Place your plant cutting in the vial, ensuring the nodes are covered.
  1. Make sure to change the water every 3-5 days or sooner if it becomes cloudy.  Keep an eye on your plant baby to see if it's developing roots.  Some plants will root in just a few weeks, while others will take longer to show off their roots.
  1. Once your plant baby has developed sufficient root growth (at least 2-4 inches), it's ready to be planted in soil and watch it grow up! And when your plant baby has reached maturity and is looking fabulous, show it off with one of our modern, handcrafted plant stands (link to plant stand). It's the perfect finishing touch for any plant parents' décor.

    Wondering which plants are the best for propagation?

    Check out a list of some below:

    Swedish Ivy
    Fiddle Leaf Fig
    Baby's Tears
    Grape Ivy
    African Violet
    Christmas Cactus
    Polka Dot Plant
    Creeping Fig
    Chinese Evergreen
    English Ivy
    Wax Plant 
    Inch Plant

    Our propagation stations can be used all throughout the house, even in the kitchen! Grow cooking herbs right on your countertop with our versatile propagation stations!

    Propagating herbs is super simple and makes your kitchen look fancy AF. By simply snipping a stem from a mature herb plant and placing it in one of your propagation vials filled with water, you can easily propagate herbs and add a touch of elegance to your kitchen.  Wait patiently for the roots to grow, refreshing the water every few days, and in just a few weeks, you'll have an endless supply of fresh herbs for cooking or to impress guests. 

    Not much of a cook? It’s okay, they will class up your kitchen and you'll have your houseguests thinking you are some type of herb connoisseur. 

    Check out our list of easy herbs to propagate:
    Lemon Balm

    Transform your kitchen into a culinary haven by starting your own fancy AF herb garden with our propagation stations - no more space complaints allowed! Your taste buds (and your kitchen) will thank you.